Anything With Avocado Tastes Good
11:13 AM
I love to snack. Well, I just love to eat in general but I get such satisfaction from nibbling on things throughout the day. I always tell myself if it's healthy it can't be that bad for me right?
So, that's why I love cooking up new ideas for healthy snacks I can eat without the guilt. *moderation is still always key but I still have not grasped that concept*
This little recipe is so easy, light but most importantly tastes really yummy!
Red pepper (or whatever kind you prefer)
Garlic powder
The first step is to cut the cucumber into small slices like so...
I apologize for the awful iPhone quality my defense the lighting was just not working at all & all I can say is sorry. It actually hurt to post this photo with the actual shadow of my hand & iPhone in it but I'm only human folks.
Okay, sorry for the tangent. The next step is to cut up the avocado into small slices and place them on each slice of the cucumbers then mash them with a fork.
Then I cut up small pieces of the red pepper and place them on top of the cucumbers. It makes it look really pretty but also adds flavor! Mostly just makes it look really pretty though...
Then add a little garlic powder and some pepper or whatever other topping your heart desires! Guilt free, & Gluten free!
I will be posting an actually hearty meal very soon becuase I'm pretty sure you're getting sick of nothing but breakfast food recipes or in this case a snack that will most likely leave you hungry 20 mins after consuming it.
Ron Swanson said it best:
"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food." Cheers to that!