Moving out of your home town: MI ➡️ VA
8:10 AMSince the time I was young, I've wanted to explore the world but that thing called life got in the way as well as missed oppurtunites. It's been a long, yet also short summer? Honestly, when your parents say that time flys by so much as you get older is the most accurate statement. I blinked and here I am transitioning my life to leave all I've ever known to a new state but I couldn't be more ready.
It's funny looking at the split of people who went to high school with you and those who decided to stay right in their hometown. Or those who've ventured off into different parts of Michigan and then the people who leave. You see the different growth in people when they leave or stay and it's not to say one is better than the other but the change is different. You're surrounding yourself with new people when you leave, new ideas, atmospheres and it creates a partially new person. For some, staying around family forever is vital and I respect that but I respect myself to know that I would regret not making myself vunorable. The best way to do that is take yourself away from everything and everyone you've known. It forces myself and my boyfriend, to be dependent on eachother and not in an unhealthy way but one that is mutual trust.
I am enthralled to see what this state has to offer for us and I'm excited to share it. I've felt stuck for so long, feeling like I was at a standstill because I wasn't in a place where I wanted to be. I feel free.