Dear, 2015

10:04 AM

This post maybe should have been posted at the start of the new year but hey, we're only a month into 2016 so I feel no guilt. 

I was scrolling through my photos the other day and I came to realize that I am a picture hoarder. I have pictures from years ago of just random nights with my friends, to embarrassing videos of almost everyone I know and looking through my pictures from this past year, I realized just how great of a year it really was. I traveled a lot and got to experience a lot of things I've never gotten to before. I went on a cruise at the start of the year to Belize and Cozumel. I went to Florida, Chicago, Minessota, Dallas, and Memphis to name a few. I learned a lot and I think I grew up more this year than I ever have. Usually it's a slow process of gradually picking up information and becoming wiser slowly over time, but 2015 really challenged me in a positive way and I'm more content with life than I have ever felt. 

I made up a list of some of the most important things that have gotten me into the place I am now. 

1) It's okay to start over.
I'm quite the perfectionist and I am sometimes frightened of people not seeing me at my most perfect moments. Saying that, I don't have problems being imperfect, I actually am quite self deprecating by nature, but more of not having my life exactly in place. I tried out avenues that I ended up finding out weren't for me and that's okay. I'm now in school studing what I love, (English/Writing) and I think that's made me extremely happy. 

2) Surround yourself with people that you would emulate. 
The saying "you become who you are by the people you surround yourself with," couldn't be more true. It's by nature to pick up habits and traits from people that surround you (all while being true to yourself) and it's a good thing! Positivity Is key. If you ever have a constant negative feeling when you're with a friend or someone in your life you should really take a hard look at it and judge for yourself if it's better to weed them out. 

3) Set goals. 2015 was my year of setting goals for myself. Overall, just looking at my weaknesses and working on making them my strengths. Like procrastination. I am what you would call the "Queen" of this. I am no where near perfect at getting things done right away but I've seen improvement and that's good enough for me. 

4) Travel. I didn't really learn this per say because I've always wanted to travel but traveling so much last year just confirmed to me how important it is to see new places. Traveling also brings out the best and worst in people so it's an important thing to do especially with a significant other. My boyfriend passed the test exceedingly well. :) 

Last but not least...

5) Enjoy your twenties. It's easier said than done for sure and a pretty broad statement but I have it on my list because turning twenty two last year was hard and the fact that twenty three is coming right around the corner, I've learned I need to take a breath and realize I'm young and to just enjoy the moment. I'll never be twenty two again so I want to enjoy each year as it inevitably comes. 

Now to the fun part of sharing my year in pictures...

I'm going to end with this because it's taken me over two hours to collect and post all of these photos from my phone! I repeat I've done this entire post on my photo at a time! So, I'm exhasted. These are some of my favorites even though I had to leave some out cause I just physically can't post anymore. 

Moral of this post is that I'm a photo hoarder and proud. Xoxo

With much love, 


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