The Monday Blues

5:18 AM

[this tree in my front yard is no longer this beautiful]

A few Monday's back I was feeling pretty down just about my life in general. It was due to a lot of factors, such as a lack of sun which seems to really effect me (I'm a summer girl) an extremely busy week that included two different projects for my classes and an exam as well as the two jobs I'm juggling. Also, my lack of motivation and time to workout. So, this isn't a pity party but it's giving you folks a glimpse into why I had a mini breakdown. I tend to hold in a lot of my emotions and don't like exposing myself when I'm struggling because I subconsciously don't like to sound weak but I'm slowing but surely learning that feeling overwhelmed is a pretty normal part of life and it won't be the first or last time I feel this way. So, here is a little entry I made just to release a little of my stresses from a couple of weeks ago. 

"I've really let the stresses of life get to me lately & it's taken its tole....I'm short tempered (mostly towards my lovable yet highly needy dog) I've been hard on myself, I compare myself way too much to others, I'm too obsessed about things that don't matter, I don't read enough, I don't blog enough, I don't workout like ever which in turn has really made me hate my body, I'm living for the weekend and not in the sense of "getting wild" cause I'd way rather just snuggle in my heated blanket and read a book but I'm always waiting & going through the motions of the week to get to the end of it and that's an awful way to live. I want to enjoy every moment even when it's busy and stressful. I enjoy being kept busy but sometimes I have days where I feel just confused and lost. Where is my life going? What can I do to make it better? I wish I was a lot of things that I'm not and it bothers me to a fault. That's life though and I'm learning to make the best of it and try to be the best I can be even if it's not exactly what I imagined. 
I've got the Monday blues and that's okay. It may be harder for me than others to push myself to workout or finish my list of things I need to get done but I will always be a work in progress. I'm glad I can be aware of my faults and that I do try to make them better. I'm being sappy and I'm wining which is everything I hate but I know my worries and my "blues" are felt by many people other than just myself so maybe spilling my inner thoughts will let someone else know that they aren't the only one as cliche as it sounds. Cause hell, I sure do feel like the only one feeling a certain way at times." 

Right after writing this my main question for myself was "What can I do to make ME happier with myself?" I wrote down a list. 

1) Be proactive 
2) Workout 
3) Read more 
4) Set goals 
5) Stay organized 

So, I came to the conclusion that when my life had more order to it, it seemed to make me happier. I immediately made a weekly agenda. Now I have always been what you could call "A to-do list whore" which just basically means I love to write lists of things I need to get done because I have a million things that go through my mind and it helps organize my thoughts. I started writing a short list for each day of the week. The difference is I started writing a list of actually achievable things I could get done. I've found that I would set unrealistic goals for myself so it was just a set up for failure and not feeling great about myself. I also have set up a schedule so I can workout every day. I re-organized my room (which is impressive because my room is pretty organized) and I made meal preps for myself which I've done before since I'm hardly home and don't ever have time to eat proper meals. 

Fast forward two weeks to today and I'm slowly adjusting. The first week is always kind of the easiest cause I was pumped to start a new routine. The hard part is making it a habit. I haven't been perfect but I'm applauding myself because I've done a pretty good job. I'm trying to applaud the small things I accomplish for myself, as hard as it is, but I'm still setting more goals for myself. For instance, not falling out of my routines during the weekends. After my exhausting week it's so easy just to veg and become one with my bed but it makes it that much harder on myself when Monday rolls around if I completely fall out of my routine for two days. This doesn't mean I can't ever relax it just means I need to continually accomplish what I need to get done then set time to relax. 

Like I said before, I will always be a work in progress but I took my moment of feeling down and turned it into a positive. I'm learning to except my faults and strengths. I will always be a perfectionist, I will procrastinate at times, I will never love to workout, and I will never be a fan of Monday's. 

I'm no expert on life so this may work for myself and some may be shaking their heads reading this but that's okay cause I can't see anyone behind their computer screens or cell phones or whatever electronic you prefer to use. So, I'll just pretend that everyone read this and I helped change their life cause that makes me feel better unless you really feel the need to hate on my life choices and comment that you're actually shaking your head then I will actually know. So don't do that or do cause I won't change you haters. 
Have a fab week & cheers to maybe a better Monday next week. 

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